

The photo construction provides my signature image ...  this particular image represents the Tower Ballroom Blackpool know as the Cathedral of Dance.

iPhone + app

   coffee polaroids

A chance coffee in a cafe in Corsica included these cigarette ends from a previous occupier. They reminded me of Irving Penn's still life platinum prints of a similar subject at a major retrospective in New York. But these were made on an iPhone plus a Polaroid app.

  inconsequential images

Inconsequential image happened by chance. These images show the importance of what happens at the edge of the image and continues beyond the photograph. Content of photographs increasingly become layers of content and meaning.

posters are the new photobook

My way of using the poster has changed over the years. The God Bless America poster publicied an exhibition  called AMERICA of colour photographs and illustrations by Michael Hallett & Tony Clayden in 1972 at the Tib Lane, Gallery, Manchester. The inconsequential images poster from 2018 is an exhibition calalogue, while theatre in the street is the catalogue for an exhibition printed on tote bags. Storytelling using photobooks has become increasingly expensive, while the opportunity to tell stories by way of a poster provides an alternative. The information sheet for a great city is just that. My 'lazy photograher's notebook' is a high quality A3 eco photo print with Apple Pages used as a design tool providing high quality possibilities at an economical price. Again, new technologies are driving creative thinking ....

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